Three Types of Water-Saving Faucets to Consider

Whether you live in a drought zone or just want to save money on your water bill, picking up a faucet that's designed to help you to save water is a good idea. If you're in the market for a new faucet for your home, consider these three faucet installation options that could potentially save you a lot of cash in the long term.

Automatic Faucet

One easy solution that many people like is automatic faucets. Like the automatic faucets found in public bathrooms, these faucets are designed to be triggered by the wave of a hand. However, unlike public bathroom faucets, you have complete control over the faucet's temperature and how long the water runs after the faucet has been triggered. If you're typically frustrated by public bathroom automatic faucets because they shut off too soon or either freeze or scald your hands, don't don't worry because you'll be able to control that at home

Low-Flow Faucet

Another excellent option is a low-flow faucet. These faucets are designed to save water from the start, but they don't sacrifice water pressure.

Water still flows through at a nice speed and has enough power behind it to help you to scrub dishes or wash your hands. Although every model varies, many actually use air to help make less water stream through the faucet more powerfully than usual. This way, you use less water for every second the faucet is running, but you'll never notice the difference when you're using it to wash up.

Toilet Faucet

Finally, one surprising option is getting a toilet faucet.

Toilet faucets actually sit on the back of the toilet, over the water tank. The sink beneath the faucet replaces your normal toilet lid. This is the faucet solution with the biggest potential to save water of the entire list, despite how odd it might seem.

If you're wondering how it saves all that water, it's because you don't use any extra when you wash your hands after flushing the toilet. Flushing the toilet triggers clean water to flow through the faucet, instead of directly into the toilet tank. This means that you get to use clean water, and that water is then used later on to flush the toilet. For your bathroom, this means you may almost never need to turn on a standard faucet again.

If you need a new faucet and want to save money, these three are great options to get started with. If you have questions about them or want the expert help of a plumber, give one a call and get the ball rolling today.
