Two Signs That Your Water Heater Is On Its Last Legs

Owning a functioning water heater means that you can take a hot shower whenever you want to and that you're able to get hot water from the faucet whenever you'd like it. These are luxuries that you probably don't think much about until you're unable enjoy them. A cold shower isn't too pleasant when it's freezing outside, and that cup of instant coffee isn't going to turn out so well if you can't get hot water from the tap. That's why it's important for you to pay attention to the signs that your hot water heater is in trouble. If any of the signs listed below sound familiar, it's time to start saving for a new water heater.

There's More Sediment In Your Water

The next time you get a glass of water from the sink, take a few minutes and study it. Is it crystal clear or does it have a muddy appearance? It's easy to overlook this because it's such an automatic thing to put a glass under the spigot and fill it with the refreshing liquid. However, if there are tiny stores or pebbles in the water that end up on the bottom of your cup, your water heater could be malfunctioning.

Under normal conditions, your water should be completely translucent. This happens because as it enters your house and is filtered through the water heater, the heavier sediment will automatically sink down to the bottom of the device. This process won't happen if there is a problem with your water heater. The sediment will cycle through the pipes and come out of your sink. If you don't catch it, you might even mistakenly take a few gulps!

The Water Heater Is Louder Than Usual

You will usually find that you don't really hear too much noise coming from your water heater. If the unit is older, there might be a bit more noise, but it shouldn't be disturbing. As the condition of your water heater goes downhill, it'll start being much louder than ever before. Even when no one is taking a shower or running hot water in the sink, you could hear some clanging sounds coming from the unit. 

The earlier you can catch water heater problems, the better. It gives you a chance to plan and prepare so that when the device finally goes all the way out you'll be equipped to get a replacement immediately.

For more information on caring for your water heater, contact a professional plumbing service, like Johnson Plumbing.
