If your toilet wobbles when you sit on it, the wax ring that fits between the toilet and the floor is probably bad. The ring is important for several reasons, so you'll want to call a bathroom plumber to replace it. This is also a good time to put in a new toilet, if you want one, since the old toilet has to be removed to replace the ring. Here's a look at the signs of a bad wax ring and how it's repaired.
When To Suspect The Wax Ring Is Bad
Besides wobbling, there are other signs of a bad wax ring. One is water pooling around the base of the toilet. If you find a small pool of water around the base of the toilet frequently, it could be due to water seeping through the ring. The water can also cause damage to the floor beneath the toilet. This might make the floor feel spongy or cause the toilet to wobble even more. The water damage might cause a mildew odor or an increase in bugs in the bathroom.
Another sign of a bad wax ring is when sewer odors leak through the seal. It may be difficult to pinpoint the source of sewer odors that come and go in the bathroom, but you should suspect the seal is to blame when you see water leaking or have a wobbly toilet as well.
How A Bad Toilet Ring Is Repaired
The only way to repair a problem with a wax ring is to remove the old ring and put on a new one. This involves unbolting the toilet from the floor and moving it to the side so the ring can be accessed. Water is drained from the toilet first and the water lines are disconnected. When the toilet is out of the way, the old wax ring is scraped out of the flange. With the wax removed, the flange and bolts are inspected because it's possible that they need to be replaced, too.
Then, the new wax ring is put in place and the toilet is put back in its original position and bolted to the floor. While the steps seem simple, unhooking a toilet and putting it back on can be difficult work, especially if the bolts are frozen. Plus, a toilet is heavy and it has to be lined up just right to go back over the flange and bolts. However, once the job is done and the toilet is checked for a tight seal, the new ring should last for years and solve the problem of leaking water and escaping sewer gas. As long as there is no damage to the floor underneath, the toilet will be sturdy again with no annoying wobble.